Nerf Challenge Party

The party will start with a few games whilst all your friends arrive.
You will then be divided into two teams to make the forts for each base using the gymnastic equipment provided. Be creative to make sneaky hideouts, secret shooting points, challenge your team to gain the tactical advantage!
You can either bring your own guns and bullets or you have the option to hire our kit for an additional $50. This comprises of 20 nerf guns, 500 bullets, eye safety glasses (x 20) and bibs (x 20) to differentiate the teams. You are welcome to bring your own additional guns to mix and match. We advise you to leave your own bullets at home if you would like to hire our kit.
To see more photos of the Nerf Challenge Party please see our gallery.
For more information please refer to the Birthday Party page.
To book; Please email booking form to
Note: Nerf parties may not be suitable for younger children - please use your discretion.